Anyway my main point here is the most brazen thing i've seen for ages. At leeds park there is a 6 or 7 foot bowl with a big iron support set back about 5 feet. Mayo wanted to walltap it, and kind of suggested over a cuppa that he wanted hag to footjam it. We laughed, with our little fingers pointing in the air (because we drink tea like that). The we suggested that to Hag, and he went a bit quiet, which normally means he want to do it.
Long story short... session on. Mayo getting right up there - it's brazen enough for a walltap, and at least you can pull back out of a walltap. Hag and mayo keep hitting this thing time and time again, Mayo pulled it in the end. Hags bike was getting so fucked every time he jumped off (more than it normally is), it would bounce off the coping and go cartwheeling in to the bowl. He was getting bruised feet too. Still carried on though. He was soooo close to this. I reckon he could have scammed it a couple of times too, just not to be this time. The pics came out good so i'm putting them up anyway.
Black is another close but no cigar winner, just failing to pull the toothpic on the sub a few times. He officially has the best toothpics. Just hanging up a bit on the way in. It's coming though, and it's gonna be good.

When we weren't being in an indoor park we were being in an outdoor not park trying to find this reservoir halfpipe. Snowy is crap at directions. Probably as bad, if not worse than Dayson. Anyway we found it in the end. It was cold. It wasn't snowing to start with so the bikes came out. Then immediately after people were ready to ride the blizzard happened. It was fun anyway, maybe less fun for the ones who had to take their bikes apart again and try to get them in the car in minus 40.

No thanks....
